If I was 22: I Still Wouldn’t Give Up


I’ve loved Linkedin’s “If I was 22” series and have been inspired to write my own. There isn’t really any sage advice in here but I hope you enjoy my story anyway Continue reading “If I was 22: I Still Wouldn’t Give Up”

Moving on up


We’ve been thinking lately about moving house. Well actually it’s something we’ve been thinking about on and off for years. A three bedroom house isn’t ideal when you have three children, and we don’t have much outside space. The only thing that has put us off to date is the cost. There’s surveys and reports and advertising, and that’s before you decide on what you can afford to buy.

My quandary got me thinking about the property market as an analogy for the jobs market. Continue reading “Moving on up”

Why Some Candidates Lie


I’m a big fan of Mad Men, the American tv series about the New York advertising business in the 1960s. The central character, Don Draper, has stolen his identity from a man killed in the Vietnam war, yet uses his talent (and persistence) to honestly gain a position and work his way up in the company, eventually making partner. Continue reading “Why Some Candidates Lie”

An Ode to Great Managers


In HR we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking we are the lynchpin that holds the organisation together. But being that essential glue isn’t within our remit. In fact it would be impossible for us, because we’re not in the right places at the right times. That role belongs to the manager. Continue reading “An Ode to Great Managers”

“Make Way for the Young!”


I watched a great film the other week called “The Artist”. It’s a black and white silent movie, made in 2011. I love the juxtaposition of those two seemingly conflicting facts. It’s actually the most awarded French film in history but I can’t imagine it features in many lists of “must-see” movies. It should. Continue reading ““Make Way for the Young!””