Top Tips from #PeopleAnalytics15


If you’ve looked at my blog and/or Twitter feed this week you can’t have failed to notice how inspired I was by #PeopleAnalytics15. With such a focussed agenda it was inevitable that things got a little repetitive as the conference progressed, but I found reassurance in the realisation that an effective people analytics function can be developed when adhering to a few key points. I realise there’s already quite a few posts of this type around, but I always find it helpful to crystallise your own thoughts and translate your learning to your own context. Therefore here are my top tips from the event.

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People Analytics is not just for the Big Players


A few months ago I attended a mini conference, the title of which was something akin to “HR game changers”. But don’t let the title fool you. It was a self-organised, by the sector for the sector, event. We have a good network but it’s fairly insular, and as not for profit organisations we’re relatively poor. Therefore a free event really appeals to us, although it means cramming into a room above a shop in Leeds to hear speakers whose quality is by no me Continue reading “People Analytics is not just for the Big Players”

Truce! The age-old battle of HR vs Finance


I’m surmising this based on gut feeling rather than statistics, but I’m pretty sure that some of the stereotyping of people in certain careers is actually true a high percentage of the time. You tend to need to identify yourself as a “people person” when you’re working in HR. Perhaps even more obviously, those working in finance are “numbers people”. The traditional rivalry between the two could be likened to a personified battle of qualitative versus quantitative. No wonder they rarely get on. However, like the two data types, they’re much more powerful when they’re combined than they are in isolation. Continue reading “Truce! The age-old battle of HR vs Finance”

The Housing/HR quandary: Hello, we’ve been here all along


Hello my name’s Helen and I work in social housing.

Until recently this seemed akin to a confession at an anonymous peer support group. We’ve been tarnished by the pre-conception of undesirables pushing their sofas into their front gardens in the summer, drinking from cans and decorating their affordable housing with patriotic displays. Continue reading “The Housing/HR quandary: Hello, we’ve been here all along”