White Noise

Noise exhausts me. Particularly background noise. I have a husband who listens to the radio and television at the same time. I have a house full of children who enjoy the hellish din soft play centres. I have to overhear all the problems of my fellow travellers during my twice-daily commute. At times I’ve sat at my desk my my fingers in my ears wishing more people appreciated silence. Continue reading “White Noise”

HR Students: Who to Follow on Twitter

I’ve never done any kind of “who to follow” or “best of” post before because there’s so many people on Twitter and other platforms sharing great content. However, it’s a question I’m increasingly asked by my students. They’re poised to embark on their HR careers and they want to know what’s happening out there in the real HR World. A number are also writing HR/social media dissertations and want to find out specifically about HR on social media. Continue reading “HR Students: Who to Follow on Twitter”

Rethinking Networking

One of the modules I teach involves the use of case studies to bring key Human Resources issues to life. A recent theme was learning and development, with one of the questions asking students to think about learning via networks. This generated some confusion. Isn’t networking about circulating a room, making uncomfortable small talk and handing out your business card? Where is the learning in that?  Continue reading “Rethinking Networking”

#CIPD15 Key Themes Day Two

@hrpotential‘s lowdown on the key themes of the second and final day of #CIPD15

The right network

Linking back to yesterday’s theme of diversity driving innovation, there was a lot to be said on day two about expanding networks. But wait a minute, we do that all the time right? Maybe so, but not with the right people. Continue reading “#CIPD15 Key Themes Day Two”

#CIPD15 Key Themes Day One

@hrpotential‘s lowdown on the key themes of #CIPD15 Day One:

The swings and roundabouts of HR Analytics

There is little disagreement that the data is there, we just need to use it to make better decisions. Maybe one of the reasons why it hasn’t taken off in this way is that even the experts can’t decide whether analytics should sit in HR or not. Morten Kamp made a very balanced argument both for and against in his two previous blogs. Continue reading “#CIPD15 Key Themes Day One”

15 Shades of HR #CIPD15

First of all apologies for paraphrasing the title of what must be this century’s worst successful book, if not ever. Neither is it particularly original, but then what is? I’m more sorry that via the existence of this blog post I’m going to have to admit that I’ve read the darn thing, if only to see what all the fuss was about.  Continue reading “15 Shades of HR #CIPD15”