

Do you see what I mean? It’s in plain sight. Can’t you see what I’m trying to achieve? Just a few every day expressions that emphasise the importance we place on our ability to see.

I remember my secondary music school teacher asking the class whether they’d rather be blind or deaf. “Neither” is obviously the common sense answer. Nobody gets to choose, but she insisted. I would rather be deaf I said. This was clearly the wrong answer in the eyes of a music teacher to whom hearing is especially important. Continue reading “Blindsided”

Is Auditioning the New Interviewing?


No. No, no, no, no. Dear God No.

This was my initial reaction to the question emblazoned across the front of People Management magazine. Is auditioning the new interviewing? As if an interview wasn’t bad enough anyway, someone decided to add into the mix a requirement to prove, on the spot, some kind of “talent” (I use the word lightly). Continue reading “Is Auditioning the New Interviewing?”

The Blame Game


“I take complete responsibility.”

There’s a reason we don’t often hear these words, particularly in the arena of politics. Typically they speak of humbleness and honesty. Yet they’re unlikely to have earned Milliband much respect on resigning from the Labour Party last week. We tend to like the certainty of politicians who are always going to be right, rather than weak. A good dose of spin is actually a comfort blanket.

It’s all about expectations. We want so b Continue reading “The Blame Game”

I used to be into Politics


I don’t know why but I used to be into Politics. I couldn’t wait to leave school and take up my A-level in Politics. Our tutor was a wiry lady, reminiscent of Thatcher in her later years and an accent to match. We sniggered at her bright red whisky drinker’s nose and privately-educated rumoured-love-child. As if that wasn’t indication enough of her personal political affiliation. But she was sharp both of tongue and of wit, and thus earned our respect. Continue reading “I used to be into Politics”