HR Use Your Brain

My day is hardly ever complete without reading and sharing a thought-provoking HR article on my Twitter feed. I have various reasons for sharing – mainly because I’ve enjoyed them and think my peers will too. Sometimes it’s because they have interesting new ideas that I might want to try or consider further. I don’t really use my feed as a platform to criticise or decry particular articles because this doesn’t really fit with my generally positive outlook. However, yesterday was different. Continue reading “HR Use Your Brain”

Change Soapbox


When I was a kid, my Nanna used to try a make a new soap by squashing together all the tiny bits of individual bars that had become too small to use on their own. I once remember seeing an advert in one of those door to door sales catalogues for a “gadget” that claimed it took the effort out of this process and really made a new soap out of the old. It never worked. As soon as you tried to use it the component soaps would fall away from the whole into their previous forms. My Nan came from a time where such resources were precious. Nowadays, rather than waste the effort, we would just throw the soap away once it becomes unusable and open a new packet. Continue reading “Change Soapbox”

HR Wanderlust


This morning an email popped into my Inbox with the title, “Who Else Has Wanderlust?”. Fair dues to the marketers and the online activity monitoring software, it’s actually something I’ve been thinking about lately. It started with my Etsy obsession (which fits rather neatly with my shopping obsession), and the cute little necklace shown in the photo, which has been sitting in my favourite items ever since I opened my account a few years ago. Continue reading “HR Wanderlust”