International Fabricated International Day


There was me thinking it was just another ordinary Tuesday today. Perhaps you could say it was significant as 31 March is the last day of the financial year. It might even be pay day for some (not me, I get paid mid-month) but that’s about as exciting as it gets. How wrong I was. This article shared on Twitter this morning informed me that humble 31 March has been declared “International quit your cr Continue reading “International Fabricated International Day”

Situation Vacant: Employee Brain Power


As a teenager, I had the lucky experience of spending the whole six weeks of the summer holidays travelling with a German exchange student. I went to some fantastic places. I jumped off a waterfall. I learned to play cards. I’m not sure I learned much German. Yet there is one memory from that trip I’ve thought about much more than any other over Continue reading “Situation Vacant: Employee Brain Power”

One Coin, Two Sides


There’s just a few weeks left until eligible UK mums and dads will be able to share parental leave, and last Thursday I delivered my first webinar on that very subject. The sensation of presenting something to an empty room, over a silent phone link, is strange to say the least, yet I hope I got my point across. Which is tha Continue reading “One Coin, Two Sides”

Because of Reading


As all of you with primary school aged children will know, next week is “World Book Day”. Although this is a great thing (and lot’s of fun), let’s not let the true importance of the day get lost amongst the yummy mummy competitions for the best home made character costume and the jockeying to position their child Continue reading “Because of Reading”