
What I do

Hi! My name is Helen Tracey. Thanks for stopping by and showing an interest in my blog!

My blog provides insight into the world of work from over 16 years experience in the public sector. I spent the vast majority of this time in Human Resources roles, including over six years as a HR Manager in social housing. During this period I was a true HR generalist, and I believe I turned my hand to every task that could be considered to be within the Human Resources discipline, and many outside of that as well!

I’ve always thought of myself as a bit of a “geek” (and proud of it!), and recently this has been realised via a career move to become a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. I’m exciting about bringing a flavour of my teaching and learning to my blog.

Why HR Potential?

I chose the name of my blog (and Twitter account) when I started writing publicly in January 2014. It reflects what I believe is both present in every individual and within the profession itself – latent potential just waiting to be unlocked.

This is best summed up by Confucius (I love a good inspirational quote):

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” 

Anything else?

I always feel privileged that people take the time to read my blog, follow, like, comment and share. So thank you!

I also undertake work for a number of other publications (please see my “other work” page for details). I am open to accepting new writing assignments and speaking at events. Please do get in contact with me if you wish to discuss this further.

I have an active Twitter account, sharing relevant HR articles and I am an open networker on LinkedIn, so please feel free to connect with me.

Helen (@hrpotential)

Disclaimer: All views expressed are my own, unless explicitly referenced as the views of others.

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